Monday, July 6, 2015

Republican field divided on Donald Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants

(Bloggers note: This is why the Republicans will lose in 2016 to whatever Democrat wins the primary - regardless of how bad that candidate is. You don't talk religion and you definitely don't disparage any class of voter who dominates an election. Only the Republicans seem stupid enough to do this!)

LA Times, Reporting from Washington, D.C.
July 5, 2015

More than two weeks after Donald Trump’s disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants, he continues to dominate the Republican presidential campaign debate and to divide his rivals for the nomination.

Initially, most Republican candidates tried to ignore him. But as major corporations cut ties with Trump over his declaration that some Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug-runners, and as the issue continues to fill the airwaves of Spanish-language media, more candidates have spoken out, separating into two camps.
Jeb Bush [married to a Mexican], who initially commented about Trump only in an interview in Spanish, stepped up his criticism over the weekend, calling Trump's remarks “extraordinarily ugly” and “wrong.”

“He's doing this to inflame and to incite and to draw attention to his campaign,” Bush said. “It doesn't represent the Republican Party or its values.”
Trump has expressed surprise about the intensity of the criticism he has faced. “It's bad for my brand,” Trump said in an interview on Fox News in which he lashed back at several of his Republican critics.

“The crime is raging. It's violent, and people don't want to even talk about it. If you talk about it, you are a racist. I don't understand it,” he said.

Trump said Bush was “out of touch with the American people.”

Read more at:

Donald Trump July 5, 2015, Jim Cole/Associated Press

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